Thursday, August 31, 2017


Pioneer Family Academy 
 Teacher Webpage

Good Morning students in Chemistry & Economics.  I am so sorry that I am very sick and I wasn't in class Thursday.  I am still too sick for school this week. 

Chemistry - Unfortunately, there was no time on Thursday to prepare a substitute.  On Tuesday, 3/6, the sub will have a book & the videos to start Module 9 "Acids & Bases."  Therefore, nothing is due on Tuesday.  When I return to class we will discuss any extra time needed to complete homework. 

Economics - Hopefully, Dan Peterson will continue to substitute and collect homework.  All Chapter outlines & Questions will be posted on this website.  Please do your best to stay up to speed with the homework and we can discuss any extra time needed when I return.


This site will post the schedule & assignments at the start of the semester.  Handouts will be posted the day they are distributed in class.  Tests will not be posted.

I usually check my email daily.  For the first few weeks of school, I will try to check it more often.  Please note, I rarely have time to check email before school on Tuesday or Thursday.
